The Moon is a card that deals in dreamscapes and nightmares. It harvests fears and anxieties from your subconscious which may distort your perception of reality. Be wary, it may also glamorize a situation in its soft light. Wield your own powers of inner illumination in order to examine the source of these distortions and illusions. As one who is here because of the Tarot, you know that the art of dreaming and intuition are valuable tools along your journey. Vigilance will help you to find little nuggets of truth along the way. You may not know where you are going right now, but tuck them away for they will help you level-up later in the game.
When I painted this piece, I wanted there to be a central female figure with a round face symbolizing a full Moon (with a Moonbow serving as a form of Halo) with two Moon-Face Girls on either side representing the Waxing and the Waning Moons. (It was the original Moon-Face Girl, whom I painted a decade ago, that prompted many to ask if I was ever going to paint a Tarot Card Deck.) Then I added in a couple of Skelly dogs howling at the Moon. My eight-year-old niece said the dogs look like they are either howling or whistling! Whistling makes me just as happy!